For Students

Online learning has never been this easy.

Focus on one task at a time.

Each course assignment has a single goal, whether that’s watching a lecture, creating a written response or uploading a pre-created document. Students simply complete that single goal and move on to their next assignment. This style of learning makes it easy to focus and limit unnecessary distractions.

Stay organized.
Everything in one place.

Between keeping up with assignments and miscellaneous resources, it’s no wonder many students have trouble completing their degree. Syllabus keeps all of these resources organized and within an arm’s reach so that students can focus on learning. Students can work on any assignment and pull up various resources without ever leaving the course.

Always know where you stand.

One of the major frustrations of online schooling is knowing where a student stands at any given moment. Syllabus helps the student clearly keep track of assignments they have completed and still need to complete. And because Syllabus helps in automating grades, a letter grade is clearly displayed and updated as assignments are completed.

Straightforward account management.

Earning a degree means students must complete a specific set of courses to earn their degree. Syllabus provides a quick list of the courses they need to complete in order to graduate and keeps it up to date as they progress through their program. When it comes to paying for their degree, Syllabus automatically finds eligible scholarship and loan options and helps students make the wisest decision in continuing their education.